Power Plate my Series Power Shield
Product Code: power-plate-my3-my5-power-shield
Price: $499.00
Power Plate my3/my5 Power Shield
The Power Plate Power Shield is a low profile, unobtrusive platform that sits directly underneath your Power Plate my Series (Power Plate my3 or Power Plate my5) to reduce any residual vibrations.
The Power Plate my Series rests firmly on top of the Power Shield and as the Power Plate vibrates, the Shield virtually eliminates all downward vibrations and minimizing noise to neighboring rooms.
The Power Plate Power Shield is perfect for use in apartments, offices, and on wood flooring. With the Power Shield, you can use your Power Plate my Series anytime and anywhere without disturbing your housemates and neighbors.
Suitable For: Power Plate my3 & Power Plate my5
Order your Power Plate my3/my5 Power Shield from FitnessZone.com today!